The "A" class verb 'know it, know how'
Note: This verb only has Present and Habitual stems.
Root verb -gata-
Present Tense
ᏥᎦᏔᎭ - tsi-gata-ha - I know it.
ᎯᎦᏔᎭ - hi-kta-ha - you know it.
ᎠᎦᏔᎭ - a-kta-ha - he/she/it knows it.
ᎢᏂᎦᏔᎭ - ini-kta-ha - the two of us (including you) know it.
ᏍᏗᎦᏔᎭ - sdi-kta-ha - you two know it.
ᎣᏍᏗᎦᏔᎭ - osdi-kta-ha - the two of us (not including you ) know it.
ᎢᏗᎦᏔᎭ - idi-kta-ha -we all (including you) know it.
ᎣᏥᎦᏔᎭ - otsi-kta-ha - we all (not including you) know it.
ᎢᏥᎦᏔᎭ - itsi-kta-ha - you all know it.
ᎠᏂᎦᏔᎭ - ani-kta-ha - they know it.
1. ᎯᎦᏔᎭᏍᎪ ᎯᎠ ᏔᎵ ᏗᎪᏪᎵ? - higatahasgo hia tali digohweli?
Do you know these two letters?
2. ᎯᎠᏍ ᏗᏎᏍᏗ ᏍᏓᎧᏔᎭ? - hias disesdi sdiktaha?
Do you two know these numbers?
3. Ꮎ ᎦᏙ ᎤᏍᏗ ᎨᏍᏗ ᏱᏥᎦᏔᎭ. - na gado usdi gesdi yitsigataha.
I don't know what that is.
4. ᎯᎠᏍ ᏓᏆᎴᎷ Ꮩ ᎤᏍᏗ ᎤᎵᏑᏫᏓ ᎠᏂᎧᏔᎭ? - hias dagwalelu do usdi ulsuwida aniktaha?
Do they know what color this car is?
5. ᎯᎧᏔᎭᏍᎪ ᏎᎷ ᎦᏚ ᏣᏘᏗ? - hiktahasgo selu gadu tsatidi?
Do you know how to bake cornbread?
ᏗᎪᏪᎵ - digoweli - letters
ᏗᏎᏍᏗ - disesdi - numbers
ᏓᏆᎴᎷ - dagwalelu - a car
ᎤᏩᏘᏗ - uwatidi - s/he - to bake
Habitual Tense
ᏥᎦᏔᎰᎢ - tsi-gata-ho'i - I (always, usually) know it.
ᎯᎦᏔᎰᎢ - hi-kta-ho'i - you (always, usually) know it. (etc.)
ᎠᎦᏔᎰᎢ - a-kta-ho'i - he/she/it knows it.
ᎢᏂᎦᏔᎰᎢ - ini-kta-ho'i - the two of us (including you) know it.
ᏍᏗᎦᏔᎰᎢ - sdi-kta-ho'i - you two know it.
ᎣᏍᏗᎦᏔᎰᎢ - osdi-kta-ho'i - the two of us (not including you ) know it.
ᎢᏗᎦᏔᎰᎢ - idi-kta-ho'i -we all (including you) know it.
ᎣᏥᎦᏔᎰᎢ - otsi-kta-ho'i - we all (not including you) know it.
ᎢᏥᎦᏔᎰᎢ - itsi-kta-ho'i - you all know it.
ᎠᏂᎦᏔᎰᎢ - ani-kta-ho'i - they know it.